Research Group Memebers
Dr. Sam Kelley
Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Quaternary Geology
Clara Crowell
I received my BA in Geosciences from Trinity College Dublin in 2022 and now I am pursuing a Ph.D. in applied geosciences at UCD. The aim of my research is to develop a methodology for assessing glacial landscape modification to de-risk mineral exploration in Ireland. This project provides an exciting opportunity to combine the use of mapping and cosmogenic nuclides to test and improve on the methodology in order to create an accessible methodology for assessing glacial landscape modification to test the feasibility of drift prospecting in Ireland.
Eoin Byrne
I am nearing completion of my BSc in geology at UCD. Isotope geochemistry is one of my main interests, and the use of isotopes as proxies for analyzing and understanding past climatic changes. This is especially relevant in the modern world in order to grasp how the Earth system will change and evolve in the near-future due to anthropogenic forcings. The use of cosmogenic nuclides is a perfect example of this and serves as an opportunity to understand the processes and pace of early-Holocene climate change and how it may unfold in the future.
Former Research Group Members
Dr. Apolline Mariotti (2020) Post Doctoral Fellow Presently a Post Doc at the University of Lorraine
Becca Smrz (2020) Undergraduate Research Assistant
Cormac O’Brien (2021-22) Research Assistant