Artistic outputs from Irish Research Council Project

As part of the recent IRC project Looking Up, in conjunction with Graeme Warren (UCD Archaeology), two commissioned works were produced to further the reach of our project.

Both by Richard Skelton of Corbel Stone Press, the first is a composition which uses sound from Cairngorm granite to auditory time-lapse history of Scotland’s Cairngorm high plateau. It is composed of four sections corresponding to the fluctuations of cold (Stadial) and warmer (Interstadial) climatic conditions:

(1) The Last Glacial Maximum / (Late) Dimlington Stadial (27,000 to 16,000 BP)
(2) The Late-Glacial Interstadial (c. 14,670 to 12,900 BP)
(3) The Loch Lomond Stadial (12,900 to 11,700 BP)
(4) The early Holocene (11,700 to c.9,000 BP)

Link to the recording HERE

Additonally, an Càrn Gorm / am Monadh Ruadh: a cosmogenic study is a poem which pulls from the project’s text to reimagine the history of the Cairngorm.

A PDF of the poem can by found HERE


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